Holiday season not the same without you! — heart

Holiday 2023

Posted by Denise Kubler on

As I reflect on the year of 2023. There were a lot of personal struggles that I was able to overcome and grow from. The biggest thing for me has been understanding how ADHD affects my life, and people around me. Which, now that I am fully single and really enjoying this new knowledge, I appreciate how difficult it was to live with me. LOL  Why am I oversharing? Other than, it's an ADHD thing, it is because I realized what will work for me and what absolutely doesn't work for me. And I am at the point that I...

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Holiday shopping during a pandemic

Posted by Denise Kubler on

Holiday shopping during a pandemic

A lot of things have been uncertain this year. But what is certain is that we are still going to celebrate the holidays, even if it is on Zoom. We are making a point to let our friends and family know how much they mean to us. Gifts this year will carry more meaning. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel, we will get through this together, and individually. Our path is unique to us, but it definitely better if we know we have our family, friends and community supporting us.  I started making Heart Jewelry first by...

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